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Friday, January 22, 2010

The Monday Project #3

Rethink Your Shrink, The Monday Project

So its time for another Monday Project at the Sisterhood...  Here are the instructions we were given...

This week, we’re giving you a license to talk some wonderful talk about yourselves. When we link up on Friday, we want you to list 5 reasons why you totally ROCK.
Any reasons whatsoever. There’s got to be at least five. And you know what? If you want to list more, go ahead! But give yourself some mad props this week and talk about why you are awesome. We want to know and we want to give you some mad props too.

Five Reasons I ROCK:

1.  I followed my passion and am living my higher calling in this life!  
I became a Pediatric Oncology (Childhood Cancer) Nurse eleven years ago and while the dark days are really rough, I spend the majority of my days helping cure children and watching the majority of them go on to live amazing lives.

2.  I am proud to be a working mom!
Contrary to what many of my friends chose, I CHOSE to have a career and raise my children and I have learned to embrace the fact that working has made me an even better mom.

These character traits have lead me to most if not all of the victories in my life and I know will serve me well as I train for my first half marathon and as I walk forward on my journey to my skinny jeans.

4.  I am a giver!
While I am still learning to give to myself, I spend the majority of my time giving to others and I LOVE the way it makes me feel.

5. I am in my thirties (35 to be exact) and am PROUD of my age!
I feel like I am in my prime and am really coming into my own and am more and more comfortable in my own skin and make less and less apologies for who I am.

Well, there you have it - That wasn't easy...  But is pretty wonderful to look at and let sink in... 


  1. you will have a special crown in heaven for your chosen profession! my husband is a hemophilliac and he said that in the hospital where he grew up the hemotology and oncology were in the same office - and they were always full of heart breaking stories.

    you are incredible for being able to deal with that on a regular basis!!!

  2. I recently accompanied my MIL to most of her oncology/radiation/chemo appts, and I have to say, it was only with the compassion of the nurses that I didn't lose my mind. And they took beautiful care of my MIL.
    So, seriously, hats off to you. Working with children is ten times harder and more amazing, in my book.
    You most definitely rock!

  3. I think you being a pediatric oncology nurse is awesome. I would think that some days are good and some awful. But I would also think it would make you thankful for what you have. I also think it is great that you are proud of being a working mom. I think it is great when you can be a parent and work especially if it is something you love. You rock.
