What a release!

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring Fling Challenge Weigh-In #1

Sisterhood Spring Fling Challenge

I am so excited about this new challenge!  I am officially training for my first half marathon with Team in Training on TEAM SHRINK with 18 amazing women (and one man) from the Sisterhood...

This will be such and amazing opportunity for me to see just what I am made of and capable of.
That is the upside!

Now for the downside...  Life is INCREDIBLY stressful.  Life as I know it at my workplace has completely been blown to smithereens.  Two of the five physicians I work for made the decision to leave the practice January 1st and several weeks ago, the remaining three physicians announced that they, too are leaving and going to work for the other children's hospital in town - the one that I used to work for and left for very good reason.  The kicker?  They want us to come with them,  AND my current employer desperately wants me to stay to help rebuild the program.  Don't get me wrong, in this economy when many are desperate find a job, I am incredibly fortunate to literally have TWO jobs and two facilities that want me to come work for them because of the career I have created and the skills I possess.

Nevertheless, this is a very stressful decision for me to make and already I have four patients that have told me they will not make a decision to go or stay until they hear from me about my decision - basically the future of their treatment lays in my hands - NO PRESSURE!

So here I am with tremendous stress and pressure and while all of the exercise I am doing is helping me tremendously to maintain my sanity and remain somewhat calm, I am really struggling with my stress eating.  My choices of what to put in my mouth have been horrendous... Pizza, chocolate, cookies, carbs, coffee, coffee, coffee and more coffee.

I am going to trudge forward and use my team... Team Incredible to motivate and challenge me.  I refuse to be unproductive and beat myself up, so I will put one foot in front of the other, SHRED, RUN/WALK, DRINK MY WATER, and MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO EAT CONSCIOUSLY (rather than shoving every single thing in front of me into my mouth).

Here are the stats:

Starting Weight
208 lbs
Today's Weight
206.8 lbs
Change from last week
1.2 lbs
Total Difference

I did a bit of "shreding" this morning and am SORE with a capital SORE.  Jillian is kicking my tail and according to her I have  A TON of fear leaving my body!



  1. Great job on the loss -- especially since you accomplished it over such a stressful time period! Yes, definitely, lean on your team for support and motivations. You're doing a fantastic job -- don't let the stress keep you from doing something good for yourself!

  2. Congrats on the loss with all that stress that is going on. Thank you for posting all of that. It helps me remember that I'm not the only one dealing with crap at work. Keep you chin up and you will figure out what to do.

  3. Congrats on the loss this week!

    That is a lot of pressure to put on you...I hope the stress abates a bit pretty soon.

  4. I hope things destress a bit for you...that is ROUGH.
    But you did great! Good job on the loss!

  5. let me tell you - i was holding on to some stress weight, and once the stress left so did the weight. it was great. (not as good as the stress being gone though)

    if you haven't already, why don't you write out the pros and cons of each? trying to look at them both with objective eyes. good luck with your decision! it sounds like you kick ass at your job if people are following you!! :)

  6. Tiffany, I think you are doing an AMAZING with a capital AMAZING job. With all the stress you have, in addition to training AND fundraising, I'm impressed with you loss! WAY TO GO!!!!

  7. I can so relate! For me fundraising is a very stressful thing and have done heaps of it. In 2008 my daughter was the Mascot for Ocean City's American Heart Walk and then in 2009 we did an event for the WSA and I swear I lose so much hair! Congrats on the weight loss! GO TEAM I

  8. Of course all the doctors/facilities want you- that is because you are awesome. A loss during a period of stress is even more awesome. Now put the pizza down : ).

    Lisa@ Shrinking Jeans
