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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shrinkvivor Weigh-In #7

I made it one step closer to the SHRINKVIVOR title!
Shrinkvivor Challenge at the Sisterhood!
Sadly, I ended up being the only official member left of the Maroon Tribe.  I say officially because we have unofficially remained a little team that has continued to encourage and support each other...  By far one of the absolute BEST Shrinking Jeans teams I have ever been privileged to be a part of!
At the beginning of the week, we found out that the tribes had merged and all of us that have not been sent to Exile Island have become Tribe OUTLAST!  How cool to have made it through the merge!  I have accomplished amazing things and stretched myself, while challenging my limits and am blown away by what I have created.

It was a great week.  I was able to adjust my pre-run eating to include several carb meals and it made a huge difference in being able to run my 12 mile long run on Saturday.  My run felt great and I was able to run some of my fastest miles.  I am so excited for my Half Marathon and so excited to see how much I improve and how much better my time is over my time in San Diego.  I feel great and can't wait!

Our fitness challenge was MILES again.  This is my favorite challenge.  It has helped that I am in the final weeks of preparing for a big race, but nevertheless, I really, really pushed myself.  I WANT IMMUNITY!!!  The first miles challenge, I really thought I was pushing my limits and couldn't imagine doing more than the 24 miles that I did then.  Well, then came this challenge and all that it meant.  I am ecstatic to have banked
34.03 MILES
this past week from Thursday-Tuesday.  Crazy, crazy!!!

Our non-fitness challenge was to be aware of trans-fats... I am eating almost NO trans-fat and it is amazing because I almost never go into my pantry anymore because I am eating so fresh and clean!  It feels great!

My eating plan continues to go well and I am feeling so great physically and mentally!  It is really amazing to me, what a difference no refines sugar and almost no carbs has made for me!  I have more energy and I feel so, so great!  It doesn't hurt that I am starting to fit into smaller clothes.  The feeling of extra room in things that used to be tight on me is amazing!

Without further ado, it is time to share my stats!  Another great week!!!

Here are my stats:

Starting Weight
215 lbs
Starting Weight for this Challenge
Today's Weight
184.4 lbs

 184.4!?!?!  I am now closer to 180 than 190?!?!
Change from last week
-4 lbs!!!!

Difference for the challenge
Total Difference
 -30.6 lbs
I'm Down w/the Sisterhood

Stay tuned for my first vlog this week... There is a little drawing going on over at the Sisterhood for tickets to Fitbloggin 11.  All of my SAH sisters are on their way and I want to go SO BAD!!!  So that I can be entered into the Grand Prize Drawing, I have to do a vlog talking about why I want to go.  Should be entertaining!


  1. OMG! I am doing a happy dance for you complete with the running man...ROFL! You deserve this so much, I am confident you can win this! 34 miles!! YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!

    Tribe Maroon was the best team to be on and I am so glad I came to know you so well. You are one amazing lady! Love ya!

  2. OHMYGOSH!!!

    You are incredible woman, 34 miles is AWESOME!!

    I totally know what you mean about not using the pantry because mine used to be so stocked I didn't have extra room and now it's so BARE... ahh!!!

    I think you might just be close to winning, so excited for you!

  3. Holy Wow, Tiffany!!!!! Congrats on your loss and your miles this week. I am so proud of you for the dedication you have put forth into training for your half. You are going to kick some serious butt on race day!

    Can't wait to see the vlog (even if it does mean a little more competition for me-LOL)! Good luck!!!

  4. Wow! You are amazing! I'm so glad that you not only are feeling great, but the scale is showing just how great you are doing. I can't wait to hear all about your half in TWO weeks! And then I get to see you!

    So excited for you on all levels....but I have to agree with Bari. I like a 25% chance of winning the Grand FitBloggin price, but for you I'll concede a 1:5 chance. :)

  5. Wow! Good Luck on your Half! Sounds like you are trained and ready to go!

  6. Congratulations! You are rocking this challenge. Keep up the great work and way to go on the loss this week! That is amazing!

  7. WOW! WTG!! You have rocked this challenge in a major way. It's a good thing I read this after I filled out the form or I might have been tempted to vote you to Exile Island for being such a big threat. ;P Keep up the awesome work!! xoxo

  8. Wow!!!!! Great job!!!!!!!! keep up the good work with those awesome results I am sure you will be in the top 7!

  9. You are amazing. You've put it all together and it really shows in your fitness and your weight loss! Awesome job on the miles. I hope you get that immunity. I had hopes with 31 miles but I'll bow to the awesome 34. Wow! Keep up the good work!
