What a release!

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Shrinkvivor Weigh-In #6

Let me just say, right here and now I want the SHRINKVIVOR title!
Shrinkvivor Challenge at the Sisterhood!
I have to say that my awesome tribe is STILL outfiting, outlosing and outlasting so far...  We are down to two!  We are a strong little team!
It has been quite the week... It started with my incredibly emotional journey in creating my Exposed post.  What a cathartic, cleansing and freeing experience it was!  I highly recommend it if you haven't done your own.  I have continued to adjust to my eating plan and am feeling great!  I have a ton of energy and can't believe how amazing food is tasting.  I made an incredible recipe that I saw on Biggest Loser last week.  If you didn't see the episode, Bob took some of the contestants to his house and cooked a completely vegan meal for them.  One of the recipes was Roasted Tri-Color Cauliflower and it was absolutely delish!   I am still having some sugar cravings, but feeling good and releasing this weight is worth it!

Our fitness challenge was MINUTES again.  I love this challenge.  Amazingly enough, my slower pace works to my benefit in this case!  My crazy long run on Saturday definitely helped my minute count.  It was brutal!  I hit my first wall at eight miles and then my BIG wall at ten miles, leaving me to leisurely walk the last two miles back to my car, with a very sore leg.  Needless to say I went almost straight to my lifesaving Sports Chiropractor friend and he set me up.  He adjusted the heck out of my back that was way out, lasered my leg and taped my knee and thigh with Spider tape.  Let me just say that Spider Tape is THE BOMB!  My leg felt better by evening and has been great since.  I had a phenomenal run yesterday!  Here is the miracle tape...
My total minutes rounded out at 458!!!  I am very happy with that number!

So... 19 days until my Half Marathon and in light of the disaster training run, my doctor has given me a plan to add complex carbs for one meal/day, several days before my last long training run and before the race.  We think that I just didn't have enough reserve given how low carb my eating plan is.  Stay tuned... Hopefully that will do the trick!  I am looking forward to shattering my time from my first Half!
Without further ado, it is time to share my stats!  Another great week!!!

Here are my stats:

Starting Weight
215 lbs
Starting Weight for this Challenge
Today's Weight
188.4 lbs
 188.4!?!?!  I can't remember the last time I saw the 180's - WOOOO HOOOO!
Change from last week
-3 lbs!!!!

Difference for the challenge
Total Difference
 -26.6 lbs
Holy Crap!  I get to add this
I'm Down w/the Sisterhood
to my sidebar!


  1. Yay for loving your new diet and YA-EFFIN-HOO for hitting the 180s! So proud of you. For continuing to run. For doing everything you need to do to help you be healthier. For being a fabulous person in general. Love you!!

  2. OMG 3lbs!! girlfriend I swear you are killing me, i want to be you when I grow up ;)

    Amazing week, amazing lose and just *HIGH FIVE*

  3. WOW, WOW, WOW those minutes rock!

  4. Woot, Woot! Congratulations for getting into the 180's, that's awesome!

  5. Oh my WOW!!!!!!! You are awesome! xoxo

  6. Wow, great job, Tiffany!!! Congrats on hitting the 180's and on the spiffy new star badge, too. :D

  7. That's so great! Keep up the great work!

  8. GO TIFFANY!!!!! I am so proud of you, and happy that the new plan is working :) YAY!!! I'm glad you're making adjustments to the plan for your running though. Hitting a wall is NOT fun at all.

    I love you, girl!

  9. YAY!!!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!
