What a release!

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Shrinkvivor - FINAL SEVEN!!!!

Here we are and the Shrinkvivor competition over at the Sisterhood is coming to an end...  I found out on Thursday that I made it to the 
So, what does this mean...  It means that I get to plead my case and explain how I have grown and learned throughout the challenge AND talk about why I deserve to be the 
Of course the title and the amazing prize package would be incredible, but at the end of the day I am thrilled to be where I am and thrilled to have accomplished what I set out to accomplish.
So take a few minutes and listen to my video.  I hope it resonates and I hope you can understand why I have so much to celebrate!
So there you have it!

Shrinkvivor Challenge at the Sisterhood!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Send Me to Fitbloggin!!!

I am extremely excited that The Sisterhood is giving away two tickets to 
Can I tell you just HOW MUCH I want to join all of my amazing Sisterhood Sisters in Baltimore to party, play & party learn, network & grow in our fitness, health and blogging from some of the best known fitness bloggers?
Well, you are about to hear directly from me on my first ever vlog!

So there you have it!  Here's to hoping that Random.org will be kind to me!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Shrinkvivor Weigh-In #7

I made it one step closer to the SHRINKVIVOR title!
Shrinkvivor Challenge at the Sisterhood!
Sadly, I ended up being the only official member left of the Maroon Tribe.  I say officially because we have unofficially remained a little team that has continued to encourage and support each other...  By far one of the absolute BEST Shrinking Jeans teams I have ever been privileged to be a part of!
At the beginning of the week, we found out that the tribes had merged and all of us that have not been sent to Exile Island have become Tribe OUTLAST!  How cool to have made it through the merge!  I have accomplished amazing things and stretched myself, while challenging my limits and am blown away by what I have created.

It was a great week.  I was able to adjust my pre-run eating to include several carb meals and it made a huge difference in being able to run my 12 mile long run on Saturday.  My run felt great and I was able to run some of my fastest miles.  I am so excited for my Half Marathon and so excited to see how much I improve and how much better my time is over my time in San Diego.  I feel great and can't wait!

Our fitness challenge was MILES again.  This is my favorite challenge.  It has helped that I am in the final weeks of preparing for a big race, but nevertheless, I really, really pushed myself.  I WANT IMMUNITY!!!  The first miles challenge, I really thought I was pushing my limits and couldn't imagine doing more than the 24 miles that I did then.  Well, then came this challenge and all that it meant.  I am ecstatic to have banked
34.03 MILES
this past week from Thursday-Tuesday.  Crazy, crazy!!!

Our non-fitness challenge was to be aware of trans-fats... I am eating almost NO trans-fat and it is amazing because I almost never go into my pantry anymore because I am eating so fresh and clean!  It feels great!

My eating plan continues to go well and I am feeling so great physically and mentally!  It is really amazing to me, what a difference no refines sugar and almost no carbs has made for me!  I have more energy and I feel so, so great!  It doesn't hurt that I am starting to fit into smaller clothes.  The feeling of extra room in things that used to be tight on me is amazing!

Without further ado, it is time to share my stats!  Another great week!!!

Here are my stats:

Starting Weight
215 lbs
Starting Weight for this Challenge
Today's Weight
184.4 lbs

 184.4!?!?!  I am now closer to 180 than 190?!?!
Change from last week
-4 lbs!!!!

Difference for the challenge
Total Difference
 -30.6 lbs
I'm Down w/the Sisterhood

Stay tuned for my first vlog this week... There is a little drawing going on over at the Sisterhood for tickets to Fitbloggin 11.  All of my SAH sisters are on their way and I want to go SO BAD!!!  So that I can be entered into the Grand Prize Drawing, I have to do a vlog talking about why I want to go.  Should be entertaining!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Shrinkvivor Weigh-In #6

Let me just say, right here and now I want the SHRINKVIVOR title!
Shrinkvivor Challenge at the Sisterhood!
I have to say that my awesome tribe is STILL outfiting, outlosing and outlasting so far...  We are down to two!  We are a strong little team!
It has been quite the week... It started with my incredibly emotional journey in creating my Exposed post.  What a cathartic, cleansing and freeing experience it was!  I highly recommend it if you haven't done your own.  I have continued to adjust to my eating plan and am feeling great!  I have a ton of energy and can't believe how amazing food is tasting.  I made an incredible recipe that I saw on Biggest Loser last week.  If you didn't see the episode, Bob took some of the contestants to his house and cooked a completely vegan meal for them.  One of the recipes was Roasted Tri-Color Cauliflower and it was absolutely delish!   I am still having some sugar cravings, but feeling good and releasing this weight is worth it!

Our fitness challenge was MINUTES again.  I love this challenge.  Amazingly enough, my slower pace works to my benefit in this case!  My crazy long run on Saturday definitely helped my minute count.  It was brutal!  I hit my first wall at eight miles and then my BIG wall at ten miles, leaving me to leisurely walk the last two miles back to my car, with a very sore leg.  Needless to say I went almost straight to my lifesaving Sports Chiropractor friend and he set me up.  He adjusted the heck out of my back that was way out, lasered my leg and taped my knee and thigh with Spider tape.  Let me just say that Spider Tape is THE BOMB!  My leg felt better by evening and has been great since.  I had a phenomenal run yesterday!  Here is the miracle tape...
My total minutes rounded out at 458!!!  I am very happy with that number!

So... 19 days until my Half Marathon and in light of the disaster training run, my doctor has given me a plan to add complex carbs for one meal/day, several days before my last long training run and before the race.  We think that I just didn't have enough reserve given how low carb my eating plan is.  Stay tuned... Hopefully that will do the trick!  I am looking forward to shattering my time from my first Half!
Without further ado, it is time to share my stats!  Another great week!!!

Here are my stats:

Starting Weight
215 lbs
Starting Weight for this Challenge
Today's Weight
188.4 lbs
 188.4!?!?!  I can't remember the last time I saw the 180's - WOOOO HOOOO!
Change from last week
-3 lbs!!!!

Difference for the challenge
Total Difference
 -26.6 lbs
Holy Crap!  I get to add this
I'm Down w/the Sisterhood
to my sidebar!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Putting It All Out There - Exposed

I had never heard of The Exposed Movement until this week.
Everyone has been much a twitter about the one year anniversary of the beginning of this amazing movement.  It has given incredible individuals, like Roni & Mrs. Fatass the permission and freedom to "let it all hang out" and embrace the bodies they have been gifted with and that have supported and carried them through their life's journeys.

Some of my greatest mentors and friends from The Sisterhood have joined in and exposed themselves as well.  At first, I thought "oh, yeah, I can do this... especially if all of these women whom I respect so much are doing it too.  Then, as the day went on and I thought more and more about it, the reality of "putting it all out there" became much more real and I thought seriously about whether or not to go forward.  The conclusion I came to was that it was a logical next step in my amazing journey to accept, love and honor myself and the body that God gave me.

So, here I go...

I have had a love/hate relationship with my body for almost as far back as I can remember.  The first seven years of my life were carefree with little thought about my body other than the fact that I insisted on always wearing dresses (even in the 20 degree winter days of Colorado).  During second grade, my parents separated and my body became my battlefield and the recipient of much self-imposed abuse in the form of eating.  Rather than expressing my fear, sadness, sorrow and anger in their natural forms, I ate to numb the pain and to give myself the strength to be the caretaker and mother to my own mother who was crumbling before my eyes.  Fortunately, my parents reconciled and remain married to this day.  Unfortunately, damage was done and negative patterns emerged.

In the beginning, I just became the "chubby girl".  I went to fat camp, participated in sports and tried my best to live up to the skinny expectations that I knew my father had for me.  I decided in my mind that his love was conditional and depended on my being a certain weight - a weight that always seemed to be an enigma.  (We have done much work throughout my adulthood to repair much of this, and currently are closer than ever...).  I yo-yo'd up and down through high school and college.  I read books and I did counseling, but the pattern of eating my emotions still exists and I think will always be present in my life, but hopefully not in control of my life.

Ironically, my greatest challenge in learning to love my body has come in my marriage.  I always had the fairytale dreams of being completely vulnerable and comfortable before my husband and dreamed of being unabashedly open with my body.  Funny thing, once married, the REAL work began.  I married a man who love, love, loves every inch of my body and every fiber of my being - AMAZING, right?  Right... Well, it is amazing if you are willing to embrace and accept it.  I have officially spent ten years learning to do just that because nothing about it has come natural to me.  I am learning from him about unconditional love and appreciation for my body and my soul in EVERY SINGLE FORM they take and at every stage in life.  Another curious observation... I have come the farthest in acceptance of my body over the past couple of years - a period of time that I have weighed more than ever.

Going through and living to tell about my dark winter has given me new appreciation for the here and now.  Being dependent upon medication that has made it very difficult for me to release weight has forced me to come to an acceptance of what I look like HERE and NOW.  Being in touch with the fragility of life on a daily basis through my work, has caused me to stop wallowing in my own self-pity and self-loathing and appreciate who I am and what I have.

Finding the Sisterhood has pushed me to new levels in terms of what my body is capable of.  After finishing a half marathon at 200 pounds, my belief in myself and in the beauty of my body soared to new heights.  And so here I am, embracing my body and another funny thing... finding my way through releasing and letting go of the pounds.

This is the beautiful body, given to me by God and NOW it is the body that I am daily choosing to honor, respect and embrace...
This is the same bikini I bought and wore on my honeymoon (but was too embarrassed to share pictures of me wearing - at a weight that I would today be giddy to weigh!).  The same bikini that I will put on again when I reach my goal weight to see how far I have come.

This is the body that allows me to compete with athletes half my size, simply because I push it and ask it to do so.

This is the body that allows me to work on my feet every day, being at the bedside of families in their worst nightmare, lifting them up and carrying them through the journey.

This is the body that created, carried, gave birth to and nourished the two pieces of my heart named Sam and Noah.

This is the body that allows me to laugh until I snort and to cry and grieve with others in pain.
 This is the body that carried me 13.1 miles across the finish line of my first Half Marathon. 

This is the body that will allow me to complete 3 Half Marathon's in a year.

This is the body that continues to carry and support me even though I abuse it.

This is the body that allows me to dance for hours.

This is the body that hugs others and accepts love in return.
This is the body that God Gave me

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shrinkvivor - Weigh-In #5

And the challenge rolls forward as we fight to win the SHRINKVIVOR title!
Shrinkvivor Challenge at the Sisterhood!
I have to say that my awesome tribe is STILL outfiting, outlosing and outlasting so far...  We are down to three and I was sure that we were going to be sent to Exile Island last week!  BUT, here we are, small and mighty!
I have returned to a normal routine in terms of being back to work and the "normal" work schedule.  However, there has been little normal about this past week.  I officially started my new medically supervised eating program last Thursday and am in a "detox mode" if you will.  I have completely gone off sugar (except limited fruit) and yesterday was the roughest day yet, which tells me that I should be close to relief...  I am very excited to see how all goes.

Our fitness challenge was MILES again.  I loved this challenge the first time and although I was derailed from my total goal of 26 miles due to an unplanned trip to the Emergency Room with my son and ended up with 22 miles!  I am so proud of all that I am pushing myself to do.  I would have never fathomed logging 22 miles in one week, this time last year.

One monumentally HUGE little highlight to the week was getting to meet Ali Vincent winner of the Biggest Loser.  My awe and excitement must have shown on my face, because before I could get any words out of my mouth, she grabbed me and gave me a hug.  It was really amazing to get to tell her what an inspiration she has been to me and how much her journey motivates me!  And let me tell you, it doesn't look like she has gained a pound of her weight back... She looks phenomenal!  She is one of the spokeswomen for an organization that sponsors the "Kids Rock" running program that my kids are participating in and we were at the season kick-off party for that.  She taught my little guy how to hula-hoop!

As I mentioned above, I started my new eating plan.  I am drinking more than 80oz of water everyday, eating tons of vegetables and two servings of fruit daily and I have tracked my food daily!  I have absolutely loved to see what this challenge has brought out of me!  And today's weigh-in is no exception!!!

Here are my stats:

Starting Weight
215 lbs
Starting Weight for this Challenge
Today's Weight
191.4 lbs
Change from last week
-2.6 lbs!!!!

Difference for the challenge
Total Difference
 -23.6 lbs
WOWEEE!!!! ZOWEEEE!!! That felt good to type those numbers!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sister Reunion

I shared a lot about our recent trip to Texas, here... One of the sweetest rewards for traveling to Texas was getting to see my SAH Hookers friends, Christy and Lisa.  We ran our first half marathon together on Team Shrinking Jeans in June and all three of us are training for our next races in November.  All of us bonded as we trained together as a team, and we all have loved sharing the amazing bond of accomplishing something that few people in this world ever undertake. One of the greatest things has been that we have all continued to grow in friendship, sisterhood and as like-minded women striving to live our best lives.

I have said it before and I will take a moment to say it again... I cannot imagine my life without The Sisterhood.  I am absolutely thrilled that I stumbled upon it a year ago and even more thrilled that I jumped in and joined Team Shrinking Jeans really not knowing anyone.  The friendships, humor, encouragement, fun and most importantly the common willingness to challenge one another have literally changed my life and have helped me to invest more in my health and overall well being.  These ladies have become so important to me and have become truly like sisters over the past year.  I relish in their triumphs and they encourage me in mine.  When I found myself right back in my Dark Winter a couple of months ago, the first friends I went to were these ladies.  I had responses from every one of them within less than 24 hours.  THAT is friendship and THAT is sisterhood.  And THAT makes me incredibly grateful!

So, you can imagine my excitement to be able to see two of these ladies while in Texas.  Christy, happens to live relatively close to my MIL where we were staying.  Of course "close" is a relative term, as Christy lives in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the beautiful hill country where many towns are at least 30 minutes apart.  So, we met in Kerrville, a town 30 minutes from where I was staying for a run.  Little did I know just how BIG those hills in the "HILL COUNTRY" would be... We found a track and then parked about 2 miles from it and ran (downhill) walked (uphill) to the track and then did three miles on the track.  Christy was such a good sport with me.  I was not only unaccustomed to hills, but I was still sweating out all of the adult beverages I had ingested at all of the wedding festivities over the weekend, so I walked A LOT!!!  We had such a great time chatting it up and catching up... It was awesome!  After our run, we headed to Starbucks for a well deserved latte and breakfast.  What a great morning!  I left on more than just an exercise high, but on a "I've just spent time with a dear friend" high.
Thanks for introducing me to your HILLS, Christy!  And thank you for your friendship and for taking a step of faith and starting that little website we all love!

If that wasn't enough, we took a little side trip to Austin to see one of David's best friends and to see Lisa, one of my other "sisters"!  Lisa and I were "race buddies" at the Half.  She was nursing an injury, which brought her closer to my pace, so we started together and were together for the first several miles and ended up finishing within a few minutes of each other.  
So, when we got into town and spent some time with David's friend and got the kids to bed, I headed over to Lisa's and we sat on her patio talking, laughing and enjoying a great glass of wine.  She is one funny lady!  It was fun to share the stories of meeting our spouses and stories of those who came before.  SHE has some stories!  Then, we got our families together at one of the most beautiful places in Austin... Oasis.  What a great choice!  We had the perfect little enclosed section of the patio to keep five kids contained and still have an amazing view of the sunset.  Her kiddos are so fun.  Her Sam talked my ear off and my absolute favorite was how he said my name... He was sooo excited to tell me everything and in trying to say my difficult name, it came out Miss Tumbowee (or as I called it Miss Tumbleweed) and then when I asked him if "Miss Tiff" would be easier, he said "yeah, Miss Tuff".  How cute is that!!!  I am so thrilled that we got some "girl time" the night before, but is was fun to hang out together as moms with our kiddos too.  Here are some pics from dinner...
Running Buddies - Reunited!
 Kiddos - passing time while the adults ate...
 Incredible Lake Travis Sunset!
 The "crazy picture" - a bribe for taking a nice pic first!
 A rare opportunity for a pic of Lisa and her kiddos!
Thanks, Lisa, for being so amazing and so authentic!  You are doing an awesome job raising your kiddos and taking care of yourself too!  You inspire me.

So, there you have it!  Love, love, loved seeing two of my SAHs!!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Shrinkvivor - Weigh-In #4

It has been another exciting week in the land of SHRINKVIVOR!
Shrinkvivor Challenge at the Sisterhood!
I have to say that my awesome tribe is STILL outfiting, outlosing and outlasting so far...
This was a crazy week for me full of travel, eating out, attending a wedding and seeing great friends!  I am more than thrilled that I was able to maintain, given the travel.

Our fitness challenge was FASTEST MILE.  Could be any one mile during the week...  I blew myself away with an 11:23 minute mile!!!  I thought I was going to drop by the time I finished!  That feeling was followed by total exhilaration! 

In other exercise news... I had the exciting opportunity to see one of my Team Shrinking Jeans SAH's while I was in Texas.  Christy and I got together for a run/walk through the hills of Kerrville with a nice interlude on the High School Track.  It was like having coffee with an old friend (which we did after our run!), and was so good for my soul.  This whole fitness journey has been so amazing for me and there are just many people in my life that don't totally understand it.  Especially the online component.  That's okay, it is a bit different, but I cannot imagine my life without The Sisterhood and without my amazing Team Shrinking Jeans SAH's.  You have ALL been inspiring, supportive, funny, committed and unafraid to throw down challenges!  My life wouldn't be nearly as rich without all of you!

Here's our post-run, post-coffee pic!

On the eating front, I did pretty well all things considered.  I had plenty to confess on Tuesday, given that the alcohol was flowing at the rehearsal dinner and the wedding, the food was amazing and there was a ton of eating out.  I did two things that helped me maintain my weight.  First, I drank my water - minimum of 2-3 liters of water EVERY DAY!  I also kept up with my exercise, walking on one day, running on two days and plenty of running around with the kids.  I will start my medically supervised plan tomorrow, so I am very optimistic that I will be starting to make bigger and more consistent progress.  Our other challenge was to eat our fruits and veggies... I am proud to say that I never have a problem with this - I love my fruits and veggies!  I did great and didn't skimp just because I was on vacation!

I will be posting more about my trip and more about my time with Christy and Lisa soon.  It was a blast to see both of them!

Anyway, I should probably get to the details... The bottom line.

Here are my stats:

Starting Weight
215 lbs
Starting Weight for this Challenge
Today's Weight
194 lbs
This was a bit annoying - I didn't have access to a digital scale, so I was left with an even number.  I will take it and am thrilled to have maintained!

Change from last week

Difference for the challenge
Total Difference
 -21 lbs