What a release!

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yummy Goodness

Today I decided to tackle something in the kitchen that I have never taken on and always bought at the store... 

Homemade Granola.

I spent some time flipping through my newest cookbooks - Discussed HERE.  I am prepping for a veggie-lovin, meat-free week and basically giving my husband the recipes to cook (since he is the lucky one to get home in time to cook dinner!).  As I started to flip through "How it all Vegan", 

one of the first recipes that caught my eye was

"Rise N Shine Granola"
with the caption...
"Enjoy this healthy, crunchy granola for breakfast, or any meal of the day.  Once you try this recipe, you'll never go store-bought again."

My husband is a lover of Costco Granola and is pretty picky about cereal and snacks of this kind... So, with a caption like that, I thought I would experiment and use my husband the granola expert as my judge! 

After preparing and cooking this extremely easy recipe, I have to say, I TOTALLY AGREE with the description!  This is yummy goodness!  And so healthy... flax, almond, oats, sunflower seeds, cranberry, coconut, sesame seeds...  Need I say more?  
Oh, my yummy goodness!  And that is just my opinion.  My husband LOVED it!
See for yourself:

If the rest of the recipes in this book are as good as this... I may just go Vegan after all!  On tap for tomorrow night - Stir Fry;  Tuesday - Meatless Shepherd's Pie; Wednesday - Black Bean Burgers.  We will see how it goes!
***This is a completely unsolicited review of this recipe and the book itself... I am not being compensated.  This is my own little personal experiment! ***

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Down & Dirty in 30 Weigh-In #4

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

This was a good week from an exercise standpoint and I am feeling more and more like myself... 
I had a GREAT run on Saturday - 7 miles and this time and I was finally at a long enough distance to do my favorite trail.  The last three miles are a gradual downhill!  Who doesn't like that!?!?!  My body hurt quite a bit, but I was very happy with my run and finished with the best pace in a long run yet.

My eating has continued to teeter.  As happens when I increase my medications, my cravings for sugar and chocolate have really gone through the roof.  It has been difficult, but after getting on the scale this morning,  IT.IS.TIME!!!  I am going back to what worked so well for me to release this last 19 pounds.  I started back on my appetite supplement that really helped with cravings.  I am continuing to give myself the grace but it is time to stop making it an excuse to eat whatever I want...

You can check out my fabulous team the The Cute Calorie Cutting Challengers, HERE 

Starting Weight
215 lbs
Starting Weight for this Challenge
Today's Weight
196.4 lbs
Change from last week
+1.4 lb
Difference for the challenge
+0.2 lb
Total Difference
 -18.6 lbs

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Vegan, Vegetarian, Pescatarian, Fruititarian... WHATatarian?!?!

A couple of years ago I did a week long detox and was absolutely blown away by the crap that came out of my body... Some in the same form it had gone into my body... EEEWWW!!!  The most startling of which was meat.  I will spare you the details because I am pretty sure you already have more of a visual than you wanted.  Keep reading, I promise I have a point...

 Coincidentally, I read this book the week after doing the cleanse:
Title aside, it was an enlightening book... Basically, the authors use brash humor and "in your face" comments to educate readers about the benefits of eating a vegan diet and the realities of animal cruelty.  Aside from being incredibly entertaining, it motivated me to stop eating red meat.  Since finishing the book, I can count on one hand the number of times I have eaten beef since.  Now, to be fair, I was already considering this decision after my cleanse.  So this left me not eating red meat in a house with my husband who doesn't eat pork.  You can do the math - we found ourselves pretty much down to fish and poultry in terms of meat.

Over the course of the next few months, I found myself bombarded by people who were going vegetarian, seriously cutting back on meat and even found out that a couple of my friends had become vegan.  Given that I had been a self-professed "meat and potatoes girl", I was shocked that I didn't miss beef AT ALL and I felt better.  I also had friends at work who were going through similar thoughts and experimenting with eating less meat.

SOOOOO, I started to educate myself more about our food supply and all of the absolute CRAP that we eat.  Let me just preface by saying that I am one of the biggest offenders... I didn't reach 200 pounds eating fresh veggies and organic grains!  That said, I truly have a desire to honor my body and to KNOW what is going into my body.  So then I read this book...

I absolutely loved his philosophy of "Eat food... Mostly plants... Not too much".  So simple, yet so profound.  He talks a lot about locally grown food and knowing exactly where and how it was raised.  Some of his great "rules" from one of his other books,           Food Rules are:
Avoid food products containing ingredients that no ordinary human would keep in the pantry.
Eat foods made from ingredients that you can picture in their raw state or growing in nature.
If it came from a plant, eat it.  If it was made in a plant, don't.
Treat meat as a flavoring or a special occasion food.

This really inspired me to consider starting my own vegetable garden and to give pescatarian eating a go.  For about six months I cut out all poultry and pork in addition to beef.  I really didn't miss the meat and felt great.  My biggest issue was cooking and how to find vegetarian recipes that I liked, could serve my family and that were familiar variations of things we already ate.  I also struggled to not go crazy with the carbs that I knew wouldn't help my waistline.  After about six months, I gradually went back to eating poultry.

And, HERE I AM... I have continued to eat very little meat, maybe several times a week.  I am still so compelled by all of the reasons to go vegetarian or even vegan.  I love my dogs and love animals, but the "animal killer" argument doesn't fuel me.  What DOES fuel me are the well, well documented health benefits and the thought of WHAT I am putting into my body along with how IT has been treated or raised.  At the minimum I have decided that I WANT to know where my meat is coming from and how it has been raised. 

What continues to intrigue me is THIS... 
With the number of people that don't eat meat, there have got to be good, easy recipes out there AND there have to be easy ways to incorporate it into my everyday busy life.  

By chance (or not so much...) I had dinner with one of my vegan friends on Friday night.  She has been so inspiring to me and has really encouraged me in my journey to discover not only what healthy eating looks like, but also in my transformation into a runner.  She is the picture of health and maintains the ability to run marathons while completely abstaining from meat and dairy (with the exception of the eggs produced from her own chickens).  She is married and has four children - they all are vegan.

So, as I was picking her brain while we ate, I asked a favor.  I asked her if I could come over and raid her recipes, gaining insight and learning from her how to make this work.  She is just as busy as I am (she is a neurologist, mom of four under age seven, athlete, avid reader and vegan), so I truly look at her and think that "if she can do it, I should be able to do it"... 

I am not sold on being a vegan, but would really like to see if I can make a vegetarian diet work.  I bought these two books to get me started and will soon go over to my friend's house to get some tips...

A great guide to eating "local" along with great recipes... More inspiration to continue my gardening and discover all of the local spots to purchase my food.

A fabulous cookbook that caught my eye because I flipped through it quickly and found multiple recipes that were versions of dishes I already loved, like Shepherd's Pie.

So, what do you think?  I would really love to know what you think... Have you had any of the same dilemas?  Have you made the switch to being a vegetarian?  Have you always been a vegetarian or vegan? Do you have any suggestions?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Down & Dirty Weigh-In #3

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

This week has been another rollercoaster of emotions.  I blog in depth about it HERE.  It was again cleansing to put it all out there.  

I had a GREAT run on Saturday - 6 miles and this time I brought my husband along with me... AND fared much better than he did.  I officially decided that he can be the sprinter, but I am the DISTANCE RUNNER of the house!  He finished before me, but felt horrible after three miles and had to walk the remainder.  It was pretty gratifying to be "better" at something in the area of athletics...

My eating has continued to teeter.  It has been difficult, but I am continuing to give myself the grace I need to start fresh every morning...

You can check out my fabulous team the The Cute Calorie Cutting Challengers, HERE

I will take maintaining!  So much better than going up!

Starting Weight
215 lbs
Starting Weight for this Challenge
Today's Weight
195 lbs
Change from last week
-0 lb
Difference for the challenge
-1.2 lb
Total Difference
 -20 lbs

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bittersweet Memories

This month has been a roller coaster of emotion.... I have gone from recognizing that my anxiety and depression were rearing their heads, to treating it accordingly, to feeling some relief, to now being stuck in a place of measurable sorrow.

It started last Thursday... I was walking a patient, his mother and her friend to another area of the hospital when the mother's friend began to talk about her daughter with Down's Syndrome.  We were discussing how lovable and amazing children with Down's Syndrome are and my breathe was almost completely taken away as I was flooded with memories of one of my little angels who went to heaven at the end of last year.  He was three and had Down's Syndrome.  What kept replaying in my mind was the way he would greet me every time he came to the clinic.  My desk sits directly back from the patient check-in area, so all I have to do is turn around to see who is coming and going.  As soon as he would walk through the door, I would turn around and start walking that direction.  He would run into my arms while blowing kisses to me.  He was a GIANT tiny little ball of love.  All love and all charm... He would blow kisses to me every time we saw each other.   
I miss those kisses, I miss seeing his smiling face and I miss the fact that I didn't get to see him grow up.  

I have been flooded with memories of many of my sweet angels.  Unfortunately, the nature of my job is sometimes tragic and deeply sad.  Children are not supposed to die before their parents and while we cure so many more than we don't (80%), we still send far to many on to heaven.  I have learned over the years how to deal with the loss and what I need to do in order to continue to do this sacred work... my calling... one of the reasons I am on this earth.  I pray a lot, I allow the tears to flow when necessary, I exercise, I treasure the time I have with my own children, I honor their memories and tell the beautiful stories of their lives to those who want to hear, and I remain connected to their families.  

Since the beginning of this year and the start of all of the turmoil at work, I have been largely in survival mode, doing my best to help hold a practice together in the midst of transition.  I haven't really taken the time to grieve a couple of our recent losses (patients that I was the primary nurse for) and for some reason it has become clear that NOW is that time.  One of whom was my sweet little guy above... 

Another was a lively little girl that fought long and hard for several yearsShe was wise beyond her young years and she lit up every room she entered.  She was brutally honest in every moment... including the time she clicked her hearing aids off when she didn't want to hear her mom's answer to a request.  She was an absolute gift to her family and to all of us.  She predicted how she would go to heaven a couple of weeks before she did and we all agreed that the party really got started in heaven on the day she arrived.  I miss seeing her strut into the office and I miss all of her "one-liners"...

In many ways I feel like both of these angels have been sitting on my shoulder beckoning me to remember... beckoning me to grieve... beckoning me to shed the tears I didn't shed months ago.  AND, reminding me to appreciate life.  Reminding me to appreciate my children and their near perfect health. Reminding me to cherish the smiles, hugs and fun.  Reminding me how important my work is and how important my role in these kiddos and their families lives is.  Reminding me that I really am human.  Reminding me that while important to temper and control, emotion is an important part of life.

So, tonight I did what I often do... I rented a movie that I knew would call forth my tears.  It may sound strange, but sometimes the best way to let the flood gates fly open is for me to watch a show or a movie that I know will "hit home"... I spend so much time keeping it all in check and controlled, that it can be difficult for me to release the emotions.  Cry and cry some more is where I wound up... And here I am, sharing my story.

I know that many of you may have incredible difficulty fathoming why and how I do what I do... voluntarily.  It is an honor, and the best way to describe it is that it is a part of me, a part of how God made me and a large part of my purpose on this earth.  One of the biggest lessons I learn daily is to really appreciate the gifts I have, the people in my life, my children and spouse.  I don't have a high tolerance for minutia and petty little things that so much energy is expended worrying about.

So, thank you for reading my ramblings and thank you for your support and encouragement over the past weeks.  I am continuing to find my way through it all.  Go hug your children and/or significant other.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Down & Dirty in 30 - Weigh-In #2

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

This week has been quite the rollercoaster of emotions.  I blog in depth about it HERE.  It was incredibly cathartic and cleansing to put it all out there.  I had a GREAT run on Sunday - 6 miles and really relaxed my expectations.  In doing so, I got great results and felt so good following.  My eating hasn't been stellar... Being in the middle of a medication change and starting my TOM, I have decided to cut myself some slack and give myself the grace I need in the area of eating.

You can check out my fabulous team the The Cute Calorie Cutting Challengers, HERE

Despite my eating, all of the exercise paid off!  Helllllllllllooooooooo 195!

Starting Weight
215 lbs
Starting Weight for this Challenge
Today's Weight
195 lbs
Change from last week
-1.2 lb
Difference for the challenge
-1.2 lb
Total Difference
 -20 lbs

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dark Winter

I have been a bit absent lately...
I have officially entered what I UNaffectionately call my Dark Winter.
I have entered my Dark Winter every summer for the past four years.  The heat of summer comes and I survive for the first month or so and then it catches up with me.  Each year I spend the spring gearing up and doing new things with hopes that the Darkness will be a bit lighter.  This year I began running and began to exercise more frequently and with greater intensity.  I also released nearly 20 pounds.  Unfortunately, it has been the most stressful winter and spring I have ever had at work.

So here I am... In the depths of my fourth Dark Winter...
Why four?

Four years ago, my life changed forever.  I went from being a busy, working mom of two boys and wife to an amazing husband one day, to being riddled with panic, anxiety and depression the next.  Literally overnight, my world fell apart and I entered a personal hell so fierce and so scary that there were moments that I wondered if I would make it to the other side.  I went 72 hours without more than an hour of continuous sleep and landed in the Emergency Room, believing they would help me.  I was wrong, the ER doctor ruled out a heart attack and pulmonary embolism, looked at me and said "Why are you so anxious?!?!", gave me something to help me sleep and a few days worth of Ativan.  That was it.  Two days later I made David take me to the psych unit at the hospital so that I could check myself in.  They wouldn't help me either because I wasn't suicidal or homicidal... Great... the reward for not wanting to hurt myself or anyone else was a list of psychiatrists that all had a minimum 2-3 week wait.  As almost an afterthought and really our last hope, we went to my family doctor (the one I had listed on my insurance but had never met). 
We walked into the clinic and both kept looking at each other wondering why we were there because no one had helped me yet, but at the same time we both desperately hoped that we soon would receive some answers.  THANK GOD, we went.  After spending almost 45 minutes going through what was happening and thoroughly through my medical history, the doctor (a resident, mind you...) looked at both of us and said the words that I hadn't anticipated hearing...

"I have no doubt you are dealing with Delayed Severe Post-Partum Anxiety"

What?!?!  My baby was eight months old... I had almost no baby blues after he was born... I thought that only happened in the early months... My hormones can cause THIS?!?!?!

He went on to explain that PP Anxiety/Depression can happen anytime in the first year after having a baby.  I am a nurse and this was news to me.  He said that before anything else, I needed to start medication.  The first medication I tried gave me horrible hot flashes, so a week later I started another medication and within another week they added a second medication to offset some of the "dopamine release" side effects I was having.  It was another two-three weeks before the "cloud lifted" and I started to feel some "flashes of me".

During this four weeks of medication adjustments and waiting for it to take effect, we moved in with my parents & I alternated my days between laying on the couch in David's office while he worked, unable to sleep because I was so jittery yet really unable to do much else because I was so tired, and going with the kids to their sitter, who took care of me along with the boys.  I became utterly dependent on others to make nearly every decision.  When I wasn't laying on the couch, I had loved ones making me walk... Walking really helped when the jitteryness increased.  I barely ate, and when I did, food really didn't have any taste.  I lost 15 pounds in the first two weeks.  I could barely interact with my children. 

To this day, I have very little recollection of anything having to do with the boys during that month, and because I am the family photographer, I have no pictures.

That was July 2006.... My first Dark Winter.

Things did get better.  Medication, exercise, prayer, counseling and loving/committed family & friends literally saved my life.  I gained a sense of appreciation of life and physical functioning that I had never known.  I learned to rest, to pace myself and to take care of myself in ways that I had never known.  I eased back into the work I love. Within six months I was able to take only one of the three medications I needed initially.

For most people with depression and anxiety, the cold, snow, less sunshine/daylight and endless time indoors triggers symptoms.  For me, the stifling heat, artificial air (air conditioning), lack of time outdoors triggers my symptoms.  Its like the opposite of seasonal affective disorder.  I have always struggled with heat and spending any extended period of time in a hot climate, but it has been immeasurably worse since 2006 and every summer I have to tweak my medication or take extra steps to keep from completely going crazy.

This is why I call the summer, My Dark Winter.
I am right in the middle of it. I started to have symptoms about a month ago, getting jittery before having to leave and go home from the cooler mountains where I spend my weekends... anticipating my return to the heat.  I have also been abnormally irritable and hormonal. Almost two weeks ago my doctor increased my medicine, so I hope to start feeling a bit more like my best me soon. I also cut my work week (same number of hours) to four days, so I could have an additional day up north.  In the meantime, I am exhausted, short fused and really want to eat all of my comfort foods.  I have continued to exercise, though my runs in the last week have been grueling.  My kids have been making me crazy and the littlest things set me off.  I feel like a failure at motherhood and marriage.

My husband told me two weeks ago that we may need to move.  I know it is agonizing for him to ride this roller coaster every summer and that he would do anything for me.  My first reaction was sorrow because I feel different enough as it is and to make a change that big, causing him to leave all that he has built with his ministry because of my health was too much for me to handle the thought of.  We have continued to discuss it and he challenged me to change my thinking to think in terms of the fact that he loves me so much that he would be willing to make any change necessary for me to be as healthy as possible.  Wow.  That is pretty amazing.  So I am thinking more and more about it.  For so long, I didn't want to think about living in a different city from may parents, but honestly, now that the boys are getting older, we depend less and less on them and the thought isn't nearly as scary.

So, here I am, trudging through the days... As the clouds lift and life returns to normal, I am committed to continue the discussion of a move, to return to the eating habits I know make me feel the healthiest and to continue my efforts as a competitive runner (can't believe I just typed that...).  For now, bear with me as I survive.  

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all my girlfriends at The Sisterhood... All of you in your own special way are making the days bearable and your endless words of encouragement, humor, banter and love mean more than you will ever know.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Down & Dirty in 30 Check-In #1

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

Its been awhile... Lots going on.  Will blog in detail later.  So we have started a new challenge at the Sisterhood and its a team challenge!  I LOVE the team challenges.

You can check out my fabulous team the The Cute Calorie Cutting Challengers, HERE

I am going to be short and sweet, so I can get out the door and go to work...

Starting Weight
215 lbs
Starting Weight for this Challenge
Today's Weight
196.2 lbs
Change from last week
-0.0 lb
Difference for the challenge
-0 lb
Total Difference
 -18.8 lbs